Tips To Use

List Of 18 Interesting Essay Topics About The Glass Menagerie

Are you in need of some titles for the Glass Menagerie, but have no yet decided on what ones you can go with? There are a bunch of essay topics that you can complete for this project, and taking the time to get this right will be to your advantage. You’ll see that this project is easy when the title you have selected matches your skill level. Therefore, here are 18 interesting tiles that can be selected on the Glass Menagerie:

  1. What is your favorite character of the play?
  2. How do you think the play can be changed so that it is right for modern cinema audiences?
  3. What do you feel are the best parts about this play?
  4. What are the best chapter of the play and why?
  5. If you were to add a chapter to this book what would it be and why?
  6. What character form this book did you not like?
  7. Compare the different characters in this play to ones of a similar play?
  8. Comment on the length of this play
  9. What are the main problems with this play and how can they be addressed?
  10. Who are the characters of this play that bring it to life the most?
  11. Name 3 similar books that are worth of mention
  12. What can be done to ensure that more people go to watch this play?
  13. What do you feel are the chapters of this book that hold it back?
  14. Give 3 of the most interesting quotes form this book
  15. What do you feel are the parts of this book that should not be changed for movies?
  16. What do you feel the author of this paly had in mind with the ending?
  17. Did you like the ending of this play?
  18. Comment on the flow and speed of this play and how that pace changes

The titles above are great ways to start your project and if you are stuck they can help get the ball rolling. Just keep in mind that they can also be seen by other students so you are encouraged to use them for inspiration and come up with a bunch of other titles for you own uses.