Tips To Use

Provocative Essay Topic Examples For Writing An Argumentative Paper

Lately, writing is something which each and every student must master right from how to come up with a good topic to the final stages of editing an academic essay. Many students out there have problems with crafting good term papers and this is always largely attributed to the fact that many rely only on what has been taught in class with little regard for a necessity to research further. To gain insights into what it takes to do a masterpiece, there are plentiful tips out there to consider. You have got to take your time reading through multiple websites dedicated to helping students write great articles. Well, if in your class there is that student who has always registered good grades in each and every essay writing exercise or assignment you have been assigned, have you bothered to ask him or her it takes to be a top writer?

Well, not every good writer you know out there employs similar techniques you can always find online. There are those whose writing prowess stems from natural endowment and it comes down to answering the question; is the writing technique you using helpful? This aside, are you good at coming up with provocative academic writing topics? How often do you always write an article based on your own topic and has it always been credited with good grades? Argumentative papers can be challenging to craft especially if the topic is not well structured. On this premise, this article lists some provocative argumentative writing topics worth consideration.

  • Argumentative writing is not always a walk over for most students. Well, there are many topics you can think of when you are asked to do an essay of this nature and it would even work better if you think of something provocative and outside the box. To begin with, you can take a look at a topic like, has the internet made life more difficult or better?
  • Another though provoking topic to argue about is something like, has radicalization changed people’s perception on religion and the role it plays in governance?
  • You can also discuss something on how police militarization. Is it justified or not?
  • Is racism to blame for the rise of terrorism or religious intolerance?
  • Another ideal topic to base your arguments on is something on FGM in third world countries.