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Good Persuasive Essay Topics For 8th Graders: 10 Suggestions

Eighth graders are a very special group. They are just about finished with middle school and will soon enter into the demands of high school. This is also a time in their lives when they are starting to develop independent opinions. They are looking at the world through eyes that are more mature than their younger siblings, and they are just starting to develop any number of ideas. This needs to be encouraged. The ability of these young people to be able to persuade another to their particular point of view will be important in future classes, going all the way into college. Writing is an excellent way to develop persuasive skills. The student has to do some research, and base arguments on facts and not emotions.

A teacher has to think of some topics which are worth writing about. No one likes to get bored and these youngsters can get very easily distracted. Finding some good persuasive essay topics is going to be important. Here are some teacher may want to look at.

  1. Should students have to pay for extracurricular activities?
  2. Is there any value to school uniforms?
  3. Discuss why you are for or against legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes.
  4. Are violent video games dangerous for young people?
  5. Should boys be allowed to play on girls athletic teams?
  6. Should there be more open campus lunch periods for students?
  7. Should abortion be banned in certain circumstances?
  8. Is there any value to year-round school?
  9. Do we really need an endangered species law?
  10. What standardized tests should be given to students?

Assigning topics is only the first step. These young people are going to need some guidance in doing the writing. Teachers always have to keep the age level of these teenage thinkers in mind. The essay is something that should be instructional without being overwhelming.

This is an assignment which is a little bit above the ordinary but it can be a lot of fun. The right topic can stimulate interest in a subject area the student may not have been curious about before. This kind of curiosity is what education is truly all about. Stimulating the interest in different areas can lead to a greater desire to learn. This is the kind of opportunity a teacher should not let pass by. As long as the topic is easily recognizable, and requires the need for persuasive composition, this project can be a very valuable tool of education.